The WSI Pathfinder Project
Guest Quest

WSI Guest invitation
You are welcome here. What is a Guest Qwest?
THIS CHAIR IS FOR YOU! Please, be my guest.
First of all, anyone who who might have an interest in the Wright Success Institute (WSI) Pathfinder Project are guests here on this website: Wright or and welcome to become part of “The Pathfinder Project,” in one capacity or another.
Anyone (all guests) who visit this website are provided a brief orientation to The Pathfinder Project and will receive an invitation to visit my companion website: “WSI” This is where you can tour the online campus and register to become a participating member, if you want to do so, completely free of charge and with no obligation, other than civility.
Guests who choose to visit the online Wright Success Institute (WSI) are invited to tour the facility and be offered the opportunity to register as a guest member, (A Pathfinder) and engage myself (Aln) and other Pathfinders in a continuing conversation about the Pathfinder Project.
The short answer to the question above, is that a Guest Qwest is about anyone on planet earth who wants to participate in this continuing conversation about creating a World Federation based (W)holly on a reverence for life…all life. You will be provided leadership, to the degree you desire, to begin your own pathfinder project or help others with theirs.

If you are reading this, you are already a guest and can continue to be welcome here, just not as a registered active member (Pathfinder) “yet”.

Simply provide an email address on our contact page at “,” to participate in our blog with comments and questions as an “active member.”

The first step in starting a WSI project is a conversation about what it means to start your own Pathfinder Project with SUCCESS GUARANTEED!

Wright Success Institute
Guests may use the link below to leave this website and visit the Wright Success Institute (WSI), as a guest there. My online home has an open door and chair for anyone with a reverence for life and a civil disposition. Come on over!